The Sports Edit with Charlotte

Who better to review our Sports Bra Fitting Service than the thoroughly inspiring Charlotte Bruce-Alexander? Hailing from the UK, Charlotte is on a health and fitness journey in Dubai and has lost a whopping 61kgs so far. A true weight loss winner, Charlotte popped in to see us for a fitting after her breast reduction surgery and road-tests the Panache Sports Bra…

1. How did you begin your fitness journey and what prompted you to start it?

I had just delivered my first child, a little girl, and had the post pregnancy “oh gosh, look at my body” blues. Not only was I grossly overweight but everything had drooped significantly. I suddenly realised I needed a serious look at my lifestyle.

 2. Tell us about a typical day in the life of Charlotte.

My days are crazy trying to juggle two young children and a full-time job which entails a lot of travel – and then trying to keep on the straight and narrow with my diet and fit in exercise. A typical straightforward day if I’m in the country and hubby isn’t travelling would be:

6:00am – Wake up
7:00am – Some sort of class, gym or home workout
8:30am – Get showered and changed for work
9:00am – 6:00pm – Office
6:30pm – Play with kids, walk dogs, cook dinner for family
7:00pm – Bath kids and put them to bed
8:30pm – Eat dinner and plan my meal prep
9:30pm – Watch TV
10:30pm – Bed

When my hubby is not in town, I need to factor in the school run and exercise after work as I can’t go in the morning.

3. What advice would you give to someone just starting out on their own fitness and wellness journey?

Don’t be afraid of being a beginner. Every healthy and fit person you admire started there. It’s so easy to compare our goals, achievements and journeys to others; we are all at different stages and we should look to this as inspiration not judgement on where we are currently at. One day at a time… You will get there x

4. Please tell us about your TKD experience and what you think of the Panache Sports Bra?

Well, I have officially been wearing the wrong-sized bra!! The back and cup were both incorrect and the style of bra I thought suited me absolutely didn’t, so we had quite a giggle fixing these issues. I went in for a sports bra and came out with a sports bra, 2 bras and a bikini! It was oddly a very liberating experience and really good fun. It was interesting to see how different bras can really make or break your silhouette in an outfit. It is definitely a must for all ladies of all sizes and shapes. I know it can be daunting but there is also no need to even remove your bra which is something I was expecting. The ladies were extremely professional and the amount of knowledge they had was astonishing, I never knew so many things about bras, posture and shape by the time I left. Something I will definitely do again as I lose weight. With regards to the sports bra, it’s a game changer!! Those bad boys are not moving an inch which is great as will keep them in the position I want and not around my knees. It’s super comfortable and I like that it goes with all my gym outfits as it’s not too bulky yet very supportive.

5. We are all about body confidence here at TKD. At what point did you feel confident in your body and what advice would you give others who are struggling with their body confidence?

 I would honestly say I’m still not 100% confident in my body and I don’t feel anyone is. We all have that one niggle we’d like to improve or change. I think what’s important is not confidence but self-acceptance. This is me and I’m not Jennifer Lopez but that’s ok and I’m happy!

6. You recently underwent breast surgery to lift and remove excess skin. How did you find the experience?

I did a lot of research to find the very best surgeon for the job so I went in very comfortable that I would like the result. In terms of pain it was far less than I expected, and I was back at work after 3 days. One of the best things I’ve done and it really has boosted my confidence.

7. What are ultimate goals for the rest of the year?

I have a lot of personal goals but in terms of “fitness” I am aiming to lose that last 3kg of body fat. If that means becoming heavier on the scales and gaining more muscle, I’m ok with this. I also have my last surgery booked which is a 360 body lift… Then I’m looking forward to just living, enjoying my family and growing in my career.

Be inspired and follow Charlotte’s journey @farfromfat126

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